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“Change is inevitable. Change is the only constant.”

As a part of an ongoing evolution of our brand, we are delighted to announce our new brand identity. It has been decades of serving excellence in interior and architectural solutions. Our business has grown, our horizons have been widened, our products array has evolved, we are digging into new expanses and have launched new products, and so we thought that it’s time for a change. It’s time to refresh our looks, our style, and our brand to reflect who we are today and to symbolize our future.

Our new brand identity resonates with our focus on elegance and exclusivity of our products, the passion we bear within, and it resembles the youthfulness and enthusiasm we represent.

This process was not as simple and easy as it seems. Moving form, a well-established identity to wear a new skin… it was a tough decision, but perhaps, it was the need of the hour.

So, here we are embracing the new change: new brand colours and the new name FIAMARC.

FIAMARC is a fusion of an Italian word “Fiam” meaning flame and “Arc” of Jyoti Arch. The concept behind the blend is though we are getting a new skin, we are carrying forward the same passion, the same soul, and the same legacy in us.

We have the logo in white or black. White denotes purity, innocence, simplicity and minimalism. It absorbs new trends and new styles into it, yet remains pure and intact. At the same time, black stands for depth, intelligence, and expertise that’s gained through years of experience. These branding elements have also translated into our new logo, which projects simplicity and youthfulness.

Our new brand identity helps us in effectively bringing into light our three inherent characteristics – creator, explorer, and youthful.

As a creator, we love to focus on innovation and quality. We always want to contribute to society by bringing something new into being, i.e., new trends and products from Europe in India. We draw deep satisfaction from our efforts of launching something new that did not previously exist but has the potential to revolutionize the industry.

Our explorer characteristic is exhibited in our desire and efforts to do ground breaking and pioneering work. We want to have an explorer’s attitude towards the work we do and the way we do it. We don’t want to take the conventional, pre-defined path, but want to pave our own path and discover our own way of doing things, so that we can bring ingenious products in the market.

Our fun-loving, light-hearted and playful approach is a reflection of our youthful trait. We think outside the box to extend innovative products that make people feel good.

With this new company branding, we have now moved beyond our legacy. We are now completely focused on transforming the current interior and architectural scenario with our unique offerings, and our new brand identity reflects this.



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